Συμμετοχή στο 70ο επετειακό συνέδριο της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Μουσικών Βιβλιοθηκών, Αρχείων και Κέντρων Τεκμηρίωσης (IAML), Τετάρτη, 28 Ιουλίου 2021
Συμμετείχα με κοινή ανακοίνωση μαζί με τους Σωκράτη Λούπα και Ευαγγελία Χαλδαιάκη, υπό τον τίτλο: HISTORICO-MUSICOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF K. A. PSACHOS’S ARCHIVE
Konstantinos A. Psachos was born in 1869 in Mega Revma [Arnavutköy], Constantinople [Istanbul] and died in 1949 in New Smyrna, Athens. He was a multi-faceted scientist of international status and recognition; he was a musician, musicologist, composer, music teacher, researcher, writer, as well as an inventor of an Organ. He played a leading role in the restoration of Byzantine Music, and he is undoubtedly recognized today as the academic founder of the sciences of Byzantine Musicology and Music Folklore. He bequeathed a huge oeuvre, consisting of books and articles, pertaining to the fields of Byzantine Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Folklore, History, etc.; it is a “scientific treasure” which K. A. Psachos always supported by his numerous lectures and the parallel organization of relevant concerts.
All the scientific and artistic activities of K. A. Psachos, both published and unpublished elements of his life’s work, had been collected and organized by his own hand in his personal archive, which remains in his residence. This archive includes excerpts and drafts of his publications (books, articles, lectures, musical scores), his correspondence, personal notes, and other specialized archival material, mainly of Byzantine-musicological interest or related to Folklore and Historical issues.
The purpose of this paper is to present some historico-musicological aspects of the archive of K. A. Psachos, bringing to light some of the obscure or lesser-known aspects of his biography, his oeuvre and his general activities in Istanbul, Athens and Munich.